Testimonials from lawyers

“Julia has a real talent for resolving difficult, complex and emotional disputes. I am endlessly impressed with her ability to quickly grasp the issues and go above and beyond to guide the parties to a successful resolution. She is highly creative in finding win:win solutions and is refreshingly committed to resolving disputes as constructively as possible”

Solicitor / Leeds

“Julia Burns is an outstanding lawyer and a brilliant mediator. She combines legal competency with a passion for actually understanding the emotional side of disputes. Both of these traits are essential for resolving probate disputes.”

Anonymous / Chambers & Partners 2024 Guide

“My most painless mediation experience to date has been with Julia as the mediator. The parties reached an agreement in principle extraordinarily quickly, after just a few hours. As Julia had spoken with the parties ahead of the mediation, she understood exactly what my client’s situation was and what the money in the estate meant to her. It also meant that my client felt that she had been heard and understood.”

Counsel / London

“Julia has first class communication skills. She was forceful when she needed to be, in what was a very difficult and upsetting dispute that required a tactful yet very firm hand.”

Solicitor / Harrogate

“Julia was thoroughly prepared and had an excellent grasp of the case and the issues involved. Her sympathetic approach helped us settle a very difficult case where settlement had seemed most unlikely.“

Solicitor / Winton

“Julia is a calm presence and an effective and efficient mediator gaining the parties trust easily and quickly. She is like a captain steering the ship safely and skilfully through stormy seas.”

Counsel / Leeds

Testimonials from clients

“We cannot thank you enough for your kindness and for having listened to us so attentively and with such sensitivity. You are wonderful, both as a professional and as a human being.”

Litigant in person

“Thanks to her ability to talk to both parties with sympathy and a deep understanding of the case, not only did we achieve an amicable financial agreement but Julia managed to help me retain my contact with my Brother despite the 2 year long battle between us. Julia is a very special and talented Mediator who simply saved our family from entering into a very expensive Lawsuit and ultimately saved our family from ruin.”

Represented Client

“You achieved something that I honestly never thought possible and I am glad to tell you that your professionalism and caring attitude to both parties has started us on the road to healing our relationships and that so much more than any monetary value is priceless. I cannot thank you enough.”

Litigant in person

“Thank you SO MUCH for everything you did yesterday. That was an incredibly challenging day, fraught with emotion on both sides, and you showed such tenacity, steering both parties to settlement with such care and sensitivity. You were amazing and we are incredibly grateful to you.”

Represented Client

News & Views

Keep an eye on my blog for my latest news and insights on family conflict.

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Shifting Perspectives: Lessons from Hospital Isolation for Conflict Resolution

Normally I start January with a sense of renewed energy. I often make a vision ...

“Automatic mediation? Are we on the brink of a sea change?”

“I predict that compulsory mediation will spread to a place near you before very long”.  ...

What is family conflict coaching?

As a mediator, I regularly encounter difficult family conflicts which come to me when they ...

What’s my mediation style? Empathetic provocateur.

I am often asked what my mediation style is. In this blog I describe my ...

10 Tips For Trust & Probate Mediation Success

Contentious trust and probate disputes are tough to resolve because of the emotion and psychology ...

How to write an impeccable mediation statement

I categorise mediation statements as the good, the bad and the ugly.  I am often ...

Reflections on 2020 from Dove in the Room

On Friday I concluded my final mediation of 2020; a heart-warming settlement with genuinely happy ...

Now is the right time to mend your family relationships

It’s tough for families right now.  Lockdown has enforced physical distance for the wider family ...

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